21st August 2021

A successful Initial general meeting was held at the Kruisfontein Community Centre on Saturday 21st August 2021.

A new executive committee was elected, as follows:

Executive Committee


Elroy Augustus - 0739069250

Deputy president

Dewald van Staden - 066 518 1587

General Secretary

Asanda Tebekana - 071 845 5720


Trevor Watkins - 083 4411 721

Committee members

Ralton Fortuin - 073 007 1034

Edward J Groenewald - 079 124 3877

Frederick john Holland - 0645514183

Jacolina (Jackie) Scheepers - 083 805 9417

Margaret Valgee - 083 794 6156

Notice of Initial General Meeting for the Kouga Sports Council

Saturday 21st August 2021 - 9am

Kruisfontein Community Centre

The Kouga Sports Council (KSC) is the interface between sports clubs and players, and funding bodies such as the Kouga Municipality (KM) and the Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture (DSRAC). All requests for sports funding, facilities development, coaching clinics and so on are channeled through the KSC, and all allocations of sports funding and facilities will be made by and through the KSC. Government officials and potential sponsors wish to communicate with one trusted body which is fully representative of sports in a particular area, and that body is the KSC.


  1. Welcome and prayer

  2. Short silence in memory of Stephen Jeggels, interim committee member.

  3. Address by Kouga Municipality representative

  4. Recognition of Area, sports code and school credentials.

  5. Recognition of nominations for the KSC exco.

  6. Questions

  7. Election of new KSC Executive Committee

  8. Closing

Refreshments will be served after the meeting.

Due to Covid restrictions, entrance will be restricted to the first 50 attendees. All Covid protocols such as mask wearing and distancing will be observed.

Interested parties who cannot make it to the meeting can attend via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 7272 5645 Passcode: 382486

Actions required now

  1. Visit and check if you and your club are already registered, and that your details are correct. If not, go to and complete the club and member forms there.

  2. Get together with other clubs in your sports code and choose 2 representatives for your sports code, a primary and an alternate.. The primary representative will vote on behalf of the sports code at KSC meetings. Please complete the Nomination form at

  3. If you wish to stand for one of the KSC committees, please complete the Nomination form at

  4. Please familiarise yourself with the terms of the interim KSC Constitution which will control proceedings at this meeting.

  5. Encourage other sports players and clubs that you know to register on the website and attend the IGM.


The Kouga Sports Council (KSC) was formed in 2012, and ran successfully until 2017, when the executive committee became dysfunctional.

On 24th April 2021 Vuyani Zana, the sports representative for the Kouga Municipality, organised a meeting of sports players at Kruisfontein Community Centre. The attendees at this meeting agreed to assemble an interim committee with the objective of organising an Initial General Meeting to elect a new Kouga Sports Council committee.

The objectives of this interim committee are as follows:

  1. To arrange an inaugural meeting of a new Kouga Sports Council by 21st August 2021.

  2. To agree on a constitution to be used for managing the inaugural meeting, two weeks before the date of the meeting.

  3. To establish the necessary conditions for attending and voting at the inaugural meeting:

    1. A register of all sports clubs in Kouga, with their committee members

    2. A register of sports code representatives as elected by sports clubs

    3. To appoint representatives for the 9 geographic regions in Kouga

    4. To appoint a representative for each registered school in Kouga

    5. To register a representative for disabled sport in Kouga

    6. To confirm and register affiliates to the KSC

  4. To establish the necessary infrastructure for recording and communicating the above information.

  5. To establish what funds will be available from KM in the short term for the life of this committee, and in the longer term.

As at 4th July 2021 this interim committee has done the following

  1. Scheduled an Initial General Meeting (IGM) of the KSC for 21st August 2021.

  2. Setup a new KSC website at

  3. Started registering clubs, schools and members on this website.

  4. Agreed on a constitution to govern proceedings at the IGM.

  5. Placed an advert in the local media advertising this meeting and appealing for membership registrations.

  6. Distributed this email to current membership.

Summary of the KSC Constitution to apply at IGM

To view the full constitution, and other relevant documents, go to

The KSC must be as fully representative of all sports men and women in the Kouga area as possible. It must avoid being dominated by the 2 or 3 larger sports codes. The job of the executive committee is to make sure that everyone with an interest in sport in Kouga is represented in the structures of the KSC.

  1. The affairs of the KSC will be managed by an Executive Council elected at an AGM.

  2. The KSC should hold at least 4 general meetings of all representatives per year.

  3. The KSC will register all sports clubs and players in Kouga in a database. This database will be used to decide eligibility for membership of federations, areas and schools.

  4. To be registered, each club, area or school must have at least 10 individual sports players registered on the KSC database.

  5. Each sports code (soccer, rugby, etc) must form a federation of all clubs in that code, and nominate 2 representatives (a main rep and an alternate) to the KSC. Each federation will have one vote at KSC general meetings.

  6. The 2 federation representatives for each sports code will be identified during point 4 on the IGM Agenda (Recognition of Area, sports code and school credentials)

  7. Each area should elect 2 area representatives (a main rep and an alternate) at a meeting in their area before 31st July 2021. Each area will have one vote at KSC general meetings.

  8. Each primary and secondary school in Kouga that has registered with the KSC will nominate one representative to the KSC. Each school will have one vote at KSC general meetings.

  9. The disabled sports players in Kouga will elect 2 representatives (a main rep and an alternate) to the KSC. These representatives will together have one vote at KSC General Meetings.

  10. Each affiliate (Rugby sub-union, Local Football Association) will nominate 2 representatives (a main rep and an alternate) to the KSC. These representatives will together have one vote at KSC General Meetings.

Issued by Trevor Watkins on behalf of the KSC interim committee. 083 4411 721